
how to remove color stains from white clothes in Natural Way home remedies

how to remove color stains from white clothes in Natural Way home remedies

how to remove color stains from white clothes in Natural Way

Welcome back to our informative blog site Knowing steps360 with a home solution Post. Nowadays we are wearing many types of dresses like shirts pants kurtas and also women's wears many different types of clothes which are different colors and different types of cloth quality. Many of the Clothes are made of cotton and silk and some are linen-cotton materials. If we wear white clothes then we are very wary about stains which are easily seen on the white cloths

    So that we also take care about our clothes when its got other color stains. And it is very difficult to remove the stain when the solar stain is fixed with the cloth. In this blog post, you can find a way to remove those color stains from your cloth and mostly white cloth in a proper natural process. Also, you can do this process at your home securely.

Different Types Of Color Stains We have

In our daily lifestyle, we always go everywhere with waring our favorite clothes. We go to work and office and others work for our different needs. We got many types of color stains like bloodstains, Coffee stains, Ink Pen stains which always do with our white shirts, sweet stains, Cooking Oil stains, Food curry gravy stains, Chocolate color stains, and many others stain. 

how to remove color stains from white clothes in Natural

We Always protect our clothes clean and fresh we got stains by mistakenly in our daily lifestyle. Many Times we got stains on our clothes when we eat something and it felt on the white shirts and others dresses.

Natural Home Ways to Remove Color stains From Cloths

In the case of color stain removal, we always use our regular Detergent and Stain remover soap for cleaning the white cloth and other types of clothes. But We did not know there are many ways where you can clean and remove the stain from your favorite cloth. 

how to remove color stains from white clothes in Natural01

You can do the Cleaning the cloth in a proper natural way which we use in our home and its affordable. Many home usable materials which we use In our daily life for our home. We use some different home things which always use in our home.

The Process is simple and easy for cloth washing, just use some Home Materials when clean and wash the Cloth.

So, Follow The Exact Process of Color Stain Remove and Cleaning Systems Which Steps By steps Written Bellow...

How To Remove Blood Stains From White Cloth

If Your Cloth has Blood Stain then you need to wash your cloth with Some " Vinegar ". When You wash or Clean your cloth with normal detergent powder, you wash as a normal process then Use the Vinegar at the spot of Blood Stain, and Regularly Scrub the Stain Area Roughly with the use of Vinegar. Use the Vinegar oil as you need compare to the Blood spot stain Area.

Want Vinegar- Click Here

How to remove Coffee Color stain In the Natural Way

Normally coffee color stain removes easily with the normal washing system process, but sometimes we did not remove the stain from white clothes. In that case, you need to use the " Baking Soda " to remove the coffee stain from the white cloth. The way is natural and safe for white cloth. Same way when you wash or clean with water and detergent use baking soda in the spot of the coffee stain area in your cloth. 

Want Baking Soda - Click Here

How to Remove Pen Ink Color stain from white cloth

This stain Problem has everyone, always use the ink pen and put it in our pockets and the rest is Color stain. Although if we wear a white dress then it strongly attacks on your cloth. here is the solution...

   So, In the case of ink pen stain, you need to use the Toothpaste in the area of the Stain and wash the cloth regularly until its removal. Must use detergent when you wash the cloth and also use any toothpaste at the spotted area.

How to Remove Sweat Stain From your cloth Natural way

The sweat stain is normally is in every person's armpit area. So this stain some time fixed with the cloth and sometimes it is removed easily. In that case, if you did not wash the cloth regularly then the stain must be fixed and the stain will never remove. 

  If you wash for the first time or 2nd or 3rd time the sweat stain must be removed but keep in mind when you wash the cloth use Some Couple of Lemon juice or direct cutting of lemon and scrub in the area of stain area. Here is some way you need to wash with detergent and Make hard scrubbing on the sweat spot regularly and wash some more time,  and you see the result.

How To Remove Cooking Oil Stain remove from any cloth

Cooking oil stain is sometimes not fixed with our cloth, The Normal detergent wash, and cleaning is enough for removing the stain. But sometimes the oil stain fixed strongly and white cloth mainly affected with this case.

So, In this case, You can use White Chalk Dust in the Stain area in your cloth. When you wash the cloth using the dust part of White chalk and put it on the oil stain area and scrub the area regularly. If you do this you see the result positive.

How to remove Gravy Color stain From any cloth in a natural way

When we eat some food at our home or restaurant and others you must put something on your dress or shirts and the gravy stain fixed and it's not removed. If the gravy stain is new then it's normally removed by normal detergent use wash, but it is older then it's quite difficult.

In the case of Gravy Stain, you need to use Glycerin on the spotted area when you wash the cloth. Firstly you wash the cloth with detergent and then Put some Glycerin on the Gravy stain and scrub regularly and again Scrub and finally wash again and see the result.

Need Glycerin - Click Here

How To Remove Chocolate Color Stain From White Cloth

The Chocolate color stain is the same as gravy stain when it's a new condition it removes easily and when it's older it's getting stronger than others. use Dishwasher Soap For this type of stain removal process. You need to use soap on dishes. Use the Spotted Area of chocolate stain and scrub and then washing with detergent.

How To Remove Perfume Stains From any cloth

This case is similar to the coffee stain, usually, perfume does not give any stain in the dress which we wear, but sometimes some types of perfumes give color stains that are strongly attached with the cloth. So you need to use Baking soda to remove this type of color stain, use it when washing the cloth. 

   *** All Of the above Process is tested with the cloth and its result clearly remove the stains from the cloth even its remove the stains from the white clothes. In the case of color stain removal many others, thousands of natural stain remover will have in our home but did not recognize the useful way. 

Check Also: Home to make Hand sanitizer at home.

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