
Post office New scheme, 14 lakh by depositing 95 rupees daily. Know More

 Post office New scheme, 14 lakh by depositing 95 rupees daily. Know More

Welcome back to our informative blog site knowing steps360. The name of the post office scheme for the people living in rural India is Gram Sumangal Gramin Dak Life Insurance Scheme. In this scheme, you have to invest Rs 95 daily, which can make Rs 14 lakh. In this plan, you get the benefit of money back on survival. Meaning you will get the full amount you have invested.

What kind of bonus is available:

In this plan, the policyholder is also given a bonus on maturity. This plan is for 15 years and 20 years. The age of the investors in this scheme should be at least 19 years. On the other hand, those above 45 years of age cannot invest in it. Any Indian can participate in this scheme. 

Along with getting the money back facility in the plan, the policyholder is also given a sum assured of up to Rs 10 lakh. Money-back can be availed three times. In a 15-year policy, 20-20% money-back is available on completion of 6 years, 9 years, and 12 years. On maturity, the remaining 40 percent is available with a bonus.

How to Calculate EMI of The Savings Scheme 

Money-back of 20-20% is available on tenures of 8 years, 12 years, and 16 years for those taking the policy for 20 years. Maturity is available with the Rest of Money Bonus. At the same time, on the death of the policyholder, the sum assured along with the bonus amount is also given to the nominee. 

   If we talk about EMI, then a person of 25 years of age who takes this policy for 20 years with a sum assured of Rs 7 lakh will have to pay an EMI of Rs 2853 every month. If you talk about it daily, then you will have to save only 95 rupees. Thus, the annual premium will be Rs 32735. 3 months installment of Rs 8449 and 6 months Rs 16,715 will have to be paid.

Check Also: LIC SIIP Policy 2021, More benefits. Know more.

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