Territorial Army Recruitment 2021 - Lieutenant, Captain, Brigadier Officers Post
Welcome back to our informative blog site knowingsteps360 with a new Job IMP News. The Territorial Army has always been at the forefront of all activities in the service of the country - be it combating terrorism in J&K and the NE, restoration of the Nation's fragile eco-system through afforestation in difficult terrain, contributing significantly to 'Clean Ganga Mission, restoration of essential services during strikes and assistance during natural calamities.
The Territory army Government of India recently Opens a Notification for the Recruitment 2021 of Officers in many categories of officers in the Territorial army Department of India. Applications are invited from gainfully employed young citizens for an opportunity of donning the uniform and serving the nation as Territorial Army Officers (Non-Departmental), based on the concept of enabling motivated young citizens to serve in a military environment without having to sacrifice their primary professions. You can serve the nation in two capacities – as a civilian and as a soldier. No other option allows you such an expanse of experiences.
Eligibility for Territorial Army Recruitment 2021:
(a) Nationality: Only citizens of India (male and female).
(b) Age Limits: 18 to 42 years as on last day of filing of application i.e. 19 Aug 2021.
(c) Educational Qualifications: Graduate from any recognized university.
(d) Physical Standards: A candidate must be physically and medically fit in all respects.
Selection procedure For Territorial Army Recruitment 2021:
(a) Candidates whose application forms are found correct will be called for screening (written exam followed by interview only if passed in written exam) by a Preliminary Interview Board (PIB) by the respective Territorial Army Group Headquarters.
(b) Successful candidates will further undergo tests at a Service Selection Board (SSB) and Medical Board for final selection.
(c) Vacancies of male and female candidates will be determined as per organizational requirements.
Process Of Apply For Every Post of territorial Army Officers
All Candidates are Must required to apply online by using the website www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in. No Offline Apply process for any other Post only Online Apply is applicable, no other Mode is applicable for submission of application.
Application Fee For Territorial Army Officer 2021
Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundred only). Candidates should note that payment of examination fees can be made only through the modes prescribed on the website. Payment of fee through any other mode is neither valid nor acceptable. Applications submitted without the prescribed fee/mode shall be summarily rejected. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
Important Date For Apply Online
Starting Date Of Online Apply: 20th July 2021.
Ending Date Of Online Apply: 19th August 2021.
Date of Written Examination: 26 September 2021.
* The date of holding the examination as mentioned above is liable to be changed at the discretion of the competent authority.
Download Official Notification for Territorial Army Recruitment 2021
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Admit Card For Written Examination:
The admit card will be made available online for being downloaded after submission of application by the candidates. The instructions will be available on the website.
Instruction To Fill Online Application For Every Candidate
 The applicants must ensure that while filling their Application Form, they are providing their valid and active E-mail IDs as the concerned authorities may use an electronic mode of communication while contacting them at different stages of the examination process.
 Candidates are strongly advised to apply online well in time without waiting for the last date for the submission of online applications.
 While filling in the Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about his choice of the center for the examination.
 Candidates should note that no request for a change of center will be granted.
 Candidates in their own interest are advised to keep a copy of the printout of the filled form submitted online.
Examination Centers For Written Examination
No.1 Chandigarh, Jalandhar, Shimla, Delhi, Ambala, Hisar.
No.2 Lucknow, Allahabad, Agra, Bhubaneshwar, Dehradun.
No.3 Kolkata, Darjeeling, Guwahati, Dimapur.
No.4 Jaipur, Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad.
No.4 Udhampur, Srinagar, Nagrota.
Written Examination Pattern and Syllabus
Paper I - Part 1, Reasoning (50 Marks for 50 MCQ). Part 2, Elementary Mathematics (50 Marks for 50 MCQ).
Paper-II - Part 1, General Knowledge (50 Marks for 50 MCQ). Part 2, English Subject (50 Marks for 50 MCQ).
* Booth Examinations Papers Time Allowed for 2 Hours Only.
* Candidates should note that there will be a penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers.
Examination Syllabus For Subjects
Reasoning: The question paper will be designed to test the candidate's ability to complete sequences making logical conclusions based on a simple patter of numbers, statements, figures, letters, etc as may be expected of a rational thinking person without any special study of the subject.
Elementary Mathematics.
(i) Arithmetic. Number System – natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers. Fundamental operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, decimal fraction.
(ii) Unitary Method. Time and distance, time and work, percentages, application to simple and compound interest, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, variation.
(iii) Elementary Number Theory. Division algorithm, prime and composite numbers. Tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 & 11. Multiples and factors, factorization theorem, HCF, and LCM. Euclidean algorithm, logarithms to base 10, laws of logarithms, use of logarithmic tables.
(iv) Algebra. Basic operations, simple factors, remainder theorem, HCF, LCM, theory of polynomials, solutions of quadratic equations, the relation between its roots and coefficients (only real roots to be considered). Simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns-analytical and graphical solutions. Simultaneous linear equations in two variables and their solutions. Practical problems leading to two simultaneous linear equations or inequations in two variables or quadratic equations in one variable and their solutions. Set language and set notation, Rational expressions, and conditional identities, laws of indices.
(v) Trigonometry. Sine x, cosine x, tangent x when O° < x < 90°. Values of sine x, cos x and ten x, for x = 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° & 90°. Simple trigonometric identities. Use of trigonometric tables. Simple cases of heights and distances.
(vi) Geometry. Lines and angles, Plane and plane figures theorems on
 Properties of angles at a point.
 Parallel lines.
 Sides and angles of a triangle.
 Congruency of triangles.
 Similar triangles.
 Concurrence of medians and altitudes.
 Properties of angles, sides, and diagonals of a parallelogram, rectangle, and square.
 Circle and its properties, including tangents and normal.
 Loci.
(vii) Mensuration. Areas of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, triangles,s, and circles. Areas of figures which can bisect into the figures (field book). Surface area and volume of cuboids, lateral surface, and volume of a right circular area of cylinders. Surface area and volume of spheres.
(viii) Statistics. Collection and tabulation of statistical data, graphical representation-frequency polygons, bar charts, pie charts, etc. Measures of central tendency.
General Knowledge: General knowledge including knowledge of current events and such matters of everyday observation and experience in scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. The paper will also include questions on the history of India and the geography of nature which candidates should be able to answer without special study.
English Subject: The question paper will be designed to test the candidates’ understanding of English and workman-like use of words. Questions in English are from synonyms, antonyms, reading comprehension, Para jumbles, error spotting, jumbled sentences, sentence correction, and fill-in blanks.
Payscale For Territorial Army officer 2021
For LIEUTENANT Officer :- 56,100 - 1,77,500 Rupees
For CAPTAIN Officer :- 6,13,00 - 1,93,900 Rupees
For MAJOR Officer:- 6,94,00 - 2,07,200 Rupees
For LT COLONEL Officer:- 1,21,200 - 2,12400 Rupees
For COLONEL Officer:- 1,30,600 - 2,15,900 Ruppes
For BRIGADIER officer:- 1,39,600 - 2,17,600 Ruppes
* All Officers Also Must have Military Service Pay with 15500/- Rupees.
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Terms and Conditions of Service
Territorial Army is a part-time concept with mandatory two months of training in a year and does not provide a full-time career. Serving in Territorial Army does not guarantee pension and the same is subject to embodied service as per organizational requirement. The commission is granted in the rank of Lieutenant. Pay and Allowances and privileges will be the same as for Regular Army Officers when embodied for training and military service.
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