


Facebook will launch digital currency like Bitcoin, You can Easily buy.

 Facebook will launch digital currency like Bitcoin, You can easily buy.

Facebook will launch digital currency like Bitcoin

Here we come with a new IMP News In our informative blog site knowing steps360. Facebook is bringing its digital currency. Earlier it was named Libra, but now Facebook Cryptocurrency will be named Diem. This cryptocurrency will be launched this year. According to Facebook, Diem will not only be used globally but it will also give a boost to E-commerce. People will also get more earning opportunities through advertisements. However, the price of Cryptocurrency Bitcoin is quite low at the moment.

Facebook Partnership with 28 companies

Earlier it was reported that Facebook has partnered with 28 companies including PayPal, Uber for digital currency Libra. Facebook continued to be active in Libra's launch. Facebook has completed the legal process to bring in cryptocurrency. Already facing data privacy disputes, Facebook says that it will keep all the data related to the user's bank details and payments safe.

Transaction will happen easily

According to Facebook, Diem will work on blockchain technology. Through this, people will be able to transact money, make money transactions easily.

The common man will use Diem

Facebook says that blockchain technology will arrive this year. Blockchain can be used on all platforms of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram. In this, the user's data will be safe.

Multi-currency Coin will be set first

Facebook can launch it in two sets. The first set will be Multi-Currency Coin and the second set will be dollar-euro mix face value. Money transfer via Diem will be Fees Nominal. Facebook will launch Diem in association with the digital currency project group Diem Association.

Benefits of Diem

> Money will be transacted on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

> With the Facebook Digital Wallet app, you will be able to track digital currency transactions.

> No extra charge on digital currency transactions.

> Cryptocurrency will be able to buy and sell Diem.

What is Digital currency?

Digital currency is also known as cryptocurrency. It is a virtual currency. Cannot see or touch it like rupee or dollar. Cryptocurrency is not printed. It can be used for transactions. No government or bank has control over it. However, it can be used for the purchase and sale of goods or services.

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